What is a Neighborhood Plan?
A Neighborhood Plan is a way of organizing local communities to influence the planning of the area in which they live and work. It normally includes a vision, a list of goals, and implementation strategy that define and shape the unique character of the neighborhood. The neighborhood planning process engages the entire community to develop a plan for the desired future.
Neighborhood Planning in Jackson
Neighborhood Planning is fundamental to our mission of human scale development and equitable growth within the city of Jackson. Each Neighborhood Plan will be instrumental in building vibrant neighborhoods which is critical to the growth and sustainability of Jackson. Once adopted by City Council, this document will affect city ordinances, zoning and land use of each neighborhood. This will be a living document which will strengthen and empower each neighborhood by holding the city accountable for implementation of all adopted recommendations.
Neighborhood Plans Undertaken: Washington Additon
Washington Addition neighborhood has a long history, serving as a residential neighborhood of single family and multifamily homes that have nurtured several generations. The neighborhood is riddled with history evidenced by civil rights markers throughout the community. Currently, however, the neighborhood faces several threats to its desirability.
City of Jackson works with the residents to create neighborhood plans that build on the strengths and deal with the threats in their particular neighborhood. Likewise, community groups and neighborhood associations find their efforts are much more successful with active cooperation and participation with the City.
Results of Community Survey
Neighborhood Planning Team
In an effort to engage Washington Addition neighborhood stakeholders, the Neighborhood Planning Team developed a partnership with Jim Hill High School. The result of this partnership was the creation of the newly formed Jim Hill Neighborhood Planning Team (JHNPT). The JHNPT portrayed an excitement and energy for the planning process for this neighborhood and was very instrumental in the Neighborhood Survey held at the Family Dollar Store on University Boulevard on February 6th, 2019.