Floodplain Management
200 S. President Street, Suite 424
Jackson, MS 39205
Floodplain Management
The City of Jackson participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP is a voluntary program from the Federal Emergency management Agency (FEMA) that makes federally-backed flood insurance available to property owners and renters in local communities that adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance to reduce future flood risks in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA). FEMA produces Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) that identify flood risks and base flood elevations. These maps are used in building regulation, insurance rate determination, and long range planning. The Engineering Division staff works with local homeowners, lending institution, and insurance companies to educate about the risks of living in or near a floodplain.
For more information on the City's Floodplain Management program, call the Engineering Division at 601-960-1651.
Flood Map Services
As a public service, the City of Jackson Engineering Division provides the following information regarding whether property located within the City of Jackson is located in special flood hazard areas as well as any other information on the Flood Insurance Rate Map such as:
1. The community number
2. The panel number and suffix
3. The date of the Firm index (cover panel)
4. The FIRM zone
5. The Base flood elevation (the depth in AE zones)
6. The required building height
7. The elevation datum used on the FIRM, if other than NGVD
To request information from FIRM maps, please call us 601-960-1651 or stop by the Engineering Division located at 200 S. President Street, Suite 424. Please have the property address or parcel number available when you contact us.
Flood Insurance Rate Maps are also available online on FEMA's Map Service Center.
To request information from FIRM maps, please call call 601-960-1651.