Committee Assignments
Virgi Linday – Council President – Ward 7
Brian Grizzell – Vice President- Ward 4
During the first council meeting in July, the council elects one member to serve as president of the council and one member as vice-president, both of whom serve at the will and pleasure of the council.
The president presides at all council meetings. In the event of the president’s absence or disability, the vice-president acts as president. In the event of the absence of both the president and vice-president, a presiding officer will be designated by a majority vote of council members present to serve during such meetings. All council members, including the president, shall have the right to vote at all times, even when he/she is presiding.
Finance Committee
Aaron Banks, Chair
Brian Grizzell, Vice Chair
Virgi Lindsay
Angelique Lee
Ashby Foote
Vernon Hartley
Legislative Committee
Virgi Lindsay, Chair
Brian Grizzell, Vice Chair
Angelique Lee
Ashby Foote
Vernon Hartley
Planning & Economic Development Committee
Angelique Lee, Chair
Ashby Foote, Vice Chair
Brian Grizzell
Aaron Banks
Ashby Foote
Rules & Gov. Operations Committee
Brian Grizzell, Chair
Aaron Banks, Vice Chair
Angelique Lee
Vernon Hartley
Virgi Lindsay
Ashby Foote
Public Works Committee
Brian Grizzell, Chair
Aaron Banks, Vice Chair
Angelique Lee
Vernon Hartley
Virgi Lindsay
Ashby Foote
Internal Audit
Ashby Foote, Chair
Aaron Banks
Vernon Hartley
Public Safety Parks Committee
Brian Grizzell, Chair
Ashby Foote, Vice Chair
Vernon Hartley
Aaron Banks
Virgi Lindsay
Angelique Lee
Public Property Renaming Committee
Kenneth Stokes, Chair
Vernon Hartley, Vice Chair
Aaron Banks
Updated 12/5/2023