Public Comment is your opportunity to address your City of Jackson elected officials directly about issues that are important to you and your community. You may sign up to address the City Council on Tuesday during the City Council Meeting – Public Comment Session. YOUR VOICE IS IMPORTANT AND WILL BE HEARD.

Public Comments are on a first-come, first-serve basis as determined by the Clerk of the Council per Section 2-71 of the City of Jackson Code of Ordinances. Members of the public may sign up below to speak before the City of Jackson City Council or contact the Clerk of Council’s Office at 601-960-1031

The number of instances allowed for public comment on an item on the agenda or an item not on the agenda (whether by individuals, organizations, or other entities) during a regular or special meeting of the Jackson City Council is limited to five (5), whether in-person or virtually. 

When recognized by the president, such person may speak only once regarding any agenda item and for a portion of the time not to exceed three minutes, unless such period of time is extended by a majority vote of the council. Such public comments will be received prior to the consideration of ordinances, orders, or resolutions. 

Any person desiring to address the council regarding any item on the agenda for that meeting must register with the Clerk of Council no later than 12 noon on the business day immediately preceding the regular or special called meeting and shall provide, in writing, his name, his address, and the number of the agenda item regarding which he desires to speak. 

Any person desiring to address the council regarding any matter that is not on the agenda must register with the Clerk of Council no later than 12 noon on the business day immediately preceding a special called meeting. This is referred to as a “Citizen Agenda Meeting”, and is to be held on the Thursday after the last Council meeting of the Month, and that person shall provide, in writing, your name, address, and the subject matter regarding which he wishes to address the council. 

To sign up, please submit the form below by noon on the business day immediately preceding the regular or special meeting. Once you have signed up to speak, you will be contacted by the Clerk of Council’s office to receive instructions on how to join the council meeting. Please note that if you are registering to speak, you must include your name, telephone number, email address, and the topic or agenda item. Also, feel free to upload any documents that should be given to the Council regarding your topic.