Civil Service Commission
Nsombi Lambright, Chairperson
Judge Patricia Wise, Commissioner
Onetta Whitley, Commissioner
Front Desk
Attention: Civil Service Commission
455 E. Capital Street
Jackson, MS 39201
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission provides a functional, orderly, and uniform system for the administration of civil service on the basis of merit, efficiency, and fitness; assures citizens of capacity and ability an equal opportunity to compete for positions in public service; and increases the efficiency of the governmental departments by the improvement of methods of personnel administration. Pursuant to the Civil Service Acts, the Commission shall adopt, amend, and enforce a Code of Rules and Regulations governing, but not necessarily restricted to the following:
- Conducting entrance and promotional examinations.
- Establishing equitable criteria for appointments and promotions in City departments based solely on merit, efficiency, and fitness.
- Establishing policies providing for transfers, reinstatements, demotions, suspensions, removals, and discharges of employees; and establishing criteria for reduction in force, job abolishment and/or layoffs.
- Developing and maintaining a Position Classification Plan for all positions under Civil Service to include establishing qualifications.
- Formulating and developing methods designed to promote efficiency within the general subject of personnel the administration considered desirable for effective management.
- Conducting investigations on all matters touching the enforcement and effect of the provisions of this Act and the Rules and Regulations prescribed therein.
The regular monthly meeting of the Commission is held on the second Thursday of each month in the Andrew Jackson Conference Room, 1st floor of the Hood Building, located at 200 S. President Street. The meetings are open to the public. The Commission members are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jackson and serve a six-year staggered term.