Mayor Lumumba declares State of Emergency 09/10/2024. Click here.



Ward 2 Municipal Polling Locations


The City of Jackson’s Water and Sewer Business Administration is now JXN Water. Click here.



PEG Network Off-Air Announcement: PEG Network is currently off the air as we undergo a relocation. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

In the meantime, you can stay connected with PEG Network here or visit our YouTube channel at

Meeting Categories: Jackson Redevelopment Authority

Bid Opening – JRA – July 19, 2021

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-07-19 02:00 pmLocation: Richard Porter BuildingDepartment: Jackson Redevelopment Authority Agenda Sealed Bids for the services for bush hogging, cutting and property cleaning at various properties located throughout Jackson, Mississippi will be received by the Jackson Redevelopment Authority (JRA). Contact: Mary Ealey, (601) 960-1815 or

Jackson Redevelopment Authority Meeting

Date and time: 2020-04-22 10:00 amLocation: Richard Porter BuildingDepartment: Jackson Redevelopment Authority Agenda The Regular and Annual Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Jackson Redevelopment Authority will be CONDUCTED BY TELEPHONIC OR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, at 10:00 a.m. on August 26, 2020, Jackson, Mississippi, for the purpose or purposes of considering and, if appropriate, … Continued

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