Jackson Redevelopment Authority Meeting
10:00 am Teleconference
In response to COVID-19 Emergency Declarations, the Richard J. Porter Municipal Building, 218 S. President Street, Jackson, MS 39201, has been CLOSED. This building is the regular location for public meetings of the Jackson Redevelopment Authority.
Until further notice, the Board of Commissioners of the Jackson Redevelopment Authority have unanimously determined that all Board and Committee Meetings of the Jackson Redevelopment Authority, both regularly scheduled and called meetings, will be held by telephonic or video means, and such meetings will not be conducted by personal attendance of commissioners at the Porter Building location where this public body normally meets on the 4th Wednesday monthly at 10:00 AM.
Interested parties and other members of the public may obtain instructions and procedures for accessing a telephonic or video meeting by contacting: Mary Ealey @ 601-960-1816 or mealey@jacksonms.gov or Denise Drake @ 601-960-1815 or denised@jacksonms.gov, No Less Than One Hour before the Time Posted for a Scheduled Meeting to Convene.