Human Services
The Division of Family and Youth is designated to deliver a comprehensive array of services designed to enhance the stability within the City of Jackson families by offering programs and services that assist in the development of the socio-economic independence of the family unit and aid in the positive growth and development of city youth.
Promoting and encouraging independence and self-sufficiency among the elderly population in the City of Jackson.
The Department of Human and Cultural Services also participates in special initiatives in varying areas of human services, such as the Americorps program.
The Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program (MSYEP) is a unique and fun way for youth to develop an array of skills while earning money. The Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program fosters an environment that teaches work ethics and life skills while also exposing teens to diverse careers. MSYEP is open to all City of Jackson residents between ages 16 through 24. Must be age 16 by March 5th. Each applicant may submit only ONE application. All applicants must have a unique email address and Social Security Number used to identify the applicant.