Where can I find more information about JXN Water?
Click here to view a list of commonly asked customer questions.
Click here to view a list of commonly asked customer questions.
Richard’s Disposal Inc. of Jackson MS 769-333-4222 CSRJM@richardsdisposal.com
Call JXN Water Customer Support: 601-500-5200
The City of Jackson offers all permitting services through the online permitting system. This can be accessed at https://jacksonms.viewpointcloud.com/. For more information about the Code Services office and building permitting you can visit https://www.jacksonms.gov/building-permits/.
For more information on assistance and resources for residents who have been impacted by the coronavirus (Covid-19) please visit our resource page: https://www.jacksonms.gov/coronavirus-covid-19-resources/
Tuesdays: Begins at 6:00 PM Thursdays: Begins at 3:00 PM Please check in at Traffic Window prior to going into the Courtroom. For more information, visit the Jackson Municipal Clerk website.
An expungement filing fee is $50.00 and is to be paid upon submission of Motion & Order of Expungement. For more information, visit the Jackson Municipal Clerk website.
Abstracts of Court can be requested at the Court Services window. The cost is $15.00 per charge. For more information, visit the Jackson Municipal Clerk website.
The property owner is responsible for the line that services his/her building up to the property line. However, if a blockage occurs in the service line but is unknown where the blockage is taking place (private or public property), the property owner must make an effort to free the blockage, at his/her expense. This may … Continued
If you notice an inlet is blocked, or stormwater is not draining from a street, please call the 3-1-1 action line or submit a ticket online.