(JACKSON, Miss.) – The Can the Grease Campaign is part of the City of Jackson’s new FOG Control Program otherwise known as Fats, Oils, and Grease. This program has been created to prevent these substances from entering into the City’s sewer system which can lead to costly pipe blockages and sanitary sewer overflows.
As we begin this holiday season, we want our citizens to know the proper way to dispose of FOG substances so we can keep everything flowing smoothly. We also want to stress to everyone that dumping these substances down a garbage disposal is NOT a solution.
During a press briefing, Monday to announce the Can the Grease Campaign, Public Works Director, Bob Miller said, “As families are preparing their holiday feasts this year, we want to make sure that everyone knows the right way to dispose of fats, oils, and grease. FOG has contributed to more than 50 percent of our city’s pipe blockages over the last three years, which is why we’re working so hard to eliminate this problem throughout the City of Jackson. Following a few simple steps will help to save you, as homeowners and businesses, from costly sewer backups and save the City of Jackson money on costly repairs.”
Examples of FOG include butter, shortening, lard, cooking oils such as vegetable, peanut, corn, and coconut, and bacon grease. Continually pouring these substances down the drain can lead to a clogged drain or toilet, raw sewage backups into homes or surrounding area, expensive cleanup, repair and replacement of damaged sewer pipes and property, unpleasant odors, and health risks.
To help alleviate this citywide problem, the City of Jackson will distribute free, reusable can lids so that citizens can properly dispose of FOG. We ask everyone to follow these simple steps to keep our pipe free from FOG buildup: Pour used grease into a can. Cover the used grease with a lid. Freeze or Refrigerate the used grease. Repeat this process until the can is full. Throw the can in the trash and reuse the lid.
By doing this, together, we can help curtail home plumbing issues and reduce costly sewer repairs. A brief animated video can be found here: