(Jackson, Miss.) – On Monday, June 8, 2020, the City of Jackson issued an alert to customers in the Savanna Street Wastewater Treatment Plant area concerning a sanitary sewer overflow/bypass.
The overflow occurred as a result of excessive infiltration and inflow after the significant rain event on June 8, 2020. The City of Jackson responds to overflows in a manner consistent with state and federal standards. We are warning the public to avoid contact with the Pearl River from Savanna Street in Jackson to Swinging Bridge Road in Byram until the SSO/Bypass has ceased.
- The SSO/Bypass is happening at the Savanna Street Waste Water Treatment Plant
- This is a result of excessive flow coming from the wastewater collection system during the rain
event on June 8, 2020. - SSO/Bypass flow is going to the Pearl River outside of the Savanna Street Waste Water
Treatment Plant - Estimated volume can range from 5.0 MGD to 150 MGD.
If you have questions regarding the SSO/Bypass from the Savanna Street Wastewater Treatment Plant, please call the City’s Contract Operator, Veolia North America at (601) 372-3439.