Mayor Lumumba declares State of Emergency after severe storm damage. Click here.


The City of Jackson’s Water and Sewer Business Administration is now JXN Water. Click here.



PEG Network Off-Air Announcement: PEG Network is currently off the air as we undergo a relocation. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

In the meantime, you can stay connected with PEG Network here or visit our YouTube channel at

GIS Map Prices

To Order please call: (601) 960-1853

The following table contains a list of the most often requested GIS layers. CDs are available for the data sets listed here. A higher cost represents the time of copying, processing, and conversion of a custom set to either export or DXF format. 

  • Individual Coverages
  • City-wide Data CD
  • Digital Orthophotographs
  • Custom Data
  • Standard Printed Maps
  • Custom Maps

Individual Purchases: 

Commission Districts (CD), Hydrography (HY), Railroad (RR), State Plane Coordinate Points (SP), State Plane Grid (SP_GRID), Tax Map Tile Boundaries (TB), Utility Poles (UE_POLES).

  •  81/2 X 11 color 5.00 blackline 2.00
  • 11×17 color 10.00 blackline 4.00
  • 17×22 color 15.00 blackline 6.00
  • 36×48 color 25.00 blackline 10.00
  • 1995 Digital Orthophotography

1995 Digital Orthophotography is available in two formats: TIFF and MrSID. These data sets are priced according to the schedule shown in the chart below. TIFF files are available only as individuals because of the size of the TIFF files and the disk space required to house them. These data will be released on CDROM. Because of their size, digital orthophotographs may or may not be made available over the Internet.

  • Digital Orthophotography Format CDs Cost
  • Digital Orthos 001-149 (MrSID format)
  • Digital Orthos 150-377 (MrSID format)
  • All orthophotographs in MrSID format

Individual orthos are based on time spent collecting and writing to CD.

1 or more Charged at $40 per hour ($20 minimum).

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