What does the Municipal Clerk’s Office do?

The Department of Municipal Clerk is responsible for all duties statutorily set forth in the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated (MCA), including the following: All Municipal Elections and Voter Registration Keeping and maintaining all official City records Bid Openings Publications City Ordinances Processing of public records requests The Municipal Clerk reports directly to the Mayor and...


How do I submit a public records request?

Public records requests must be submitted in writing, according to the City’s Public Records Access Policy. This benefits and protects you, as the requestor. An online form is available for your convenience through our customer portal. You may also use the public computer to submit your request in person at the Department of Municipal Clerk,...


How long will it take for my public records request to be fulfilled?

In accordance with the City’s Public Records Access Policy, the City will respond to your request within seven (7) working days. Absent any reasonable delays, the City will provide the requested nonexempt public records within seven (7) working days from the date you tender payment of the invoiced fee that is required to reimburse the...


How are fees for public records requests calculated?

The appropriate City Department will invoice you a cost estimate for searching, reviewing and/or duplicating your nonexempt public records request. You will also be charged the cost of mailing if applicable. Upon receipt of this invoice, please either accept or reject it by indicating your desire to pay the invoiced fee. Invoiced charges for any...