How do I pay my business license?

To pay your business license (privilege license), visit the Signs and Licenses Division at the Warren Hood Building located at 200 S. President St. Click here for more information about business licenses. 


Does the city require a business license?

Yes, if you need to purchase a business license you can go to the first floor of the Planning Department at 200 S. President St. at Signs and Licenses. We call our business license a privilege license.


How do I apply for a fire inspection?

The application for a fire inspection can be found in the Department of Planning and Economic Development located on the 2nd floor of the Hood Building at 200 S. President Street. There will be a minimum fee of $25 assessed.


How do I apply for a transient vendor license?

Visit the Department of Planning and Economic Development located on the 2nd floor of the Hood Building at 200 S. President Street. Once you have filled out the application, visit the Treasury Department located on the 1st floor to pay any applicable fees and return to the 2nd floor to receive a stamp. The fee...


How do I apply for a liquor license?

ABC manages the issuance of some 1,700 alcoholic beverage licenses for package retailers and various types of on-premises retailers. You can apply through the Mississippi Department of Revenue.