The property owner is responsible for the line that services his/her building up to the property line. However, if a blockage occurs in the service line but is unknown where the blockage is taking place (private or public property), the property owner must make an effort to free the blockage, at his/her expense. This may...
FAQ Topic: Infrastructure Management
A storm drain is blocked by leaves and debris, who do I call?
If you notice an inlet is blocked, or stormwater is not draining from a street, please call the 3-1-1 action line or submit a ticket online.
Does the city replace driveway pipes?
No, the City is not responsible for replacing driveway pipes; it is the responsibility of the property owner. It is also the responsibility of the property owner to keep driveway pipes clear of any debris; however the City will assist with keeping driveway pipes clean. If a driveway pipe is clogged and needs to be...
Who do I call to report a sinkhole?
To report a sinkhole, contact the 3-1-1 Action Line by phone or online.
Who do I contact to repair a utility cut?
The Water/Sewer Division cuts and removes sections of City streets and sidewalks to repair their water & sewer utility lines. Once their utility lines have been repaired, the Infrastructure Management Division is responsible for repairing those utility cuts with asphalt and/or concrete once Water/Sewer Division has completed their repairs. To have these cuts repaired with...
Who is responsible for maintaining or replacing the sidewalk in front of my home or business?
Per City of Jackson Ordinance section 110-9, the adjacent property owner is responsible for maintenance and/or replacement of the sidewalk, unless the sidewalk has been damaged by the City. To request an inspection, please call 3-1-1 or 601-960-1111.
When will my street be paved?
For more information about street paving, contact Paved Streets at 601-960-1177.
How do I report a pothole?
To report a pothole, contact the 3-1-1 Action Line by phone or online.
What should I do if the sewage is overflowing?
If sewage is overflowing, please call 3-1-1 or submit a ticket online. If it is after-hours, please call 601-960-1234.