Notice is hereby given that the City of Jackson, Department of Human & Cultural Services is now accepting Proposals for the Arts & Community-Based Grants.
Proposals will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Jackson, Mississippi until 3:30p.m., Tuesday, February 25, 2025. The City of Jackson, Mississippi requests proposals from art groups and other community development groups providing services to the citizens in the City of Jackson.
Financial assistance is available to support arts and community development activities designed to increase awareness, understanding and appreciation of the arts and improve the quality of life among the citizens of Jackson. This solicitation seeks proposals with an emphasis on community exposure, history and education.
Grant awards offered by the City of Jackson shall only represent supplemental funding in support of arts projects and community development-based projects. To be eligible for funding, proposing organizations must have verifiable cash match contributions that equals to at least 50% of project cost.
For the Request for Proposal packet, please contact Beverley Johnson-Durham at (601)960-0383. All proposals must be sealed and plainly marked on the outside of the envelope: Proposal for General Funds Arts and Community Based Grants. Proposal packets must be received by the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 219 South President Street by 3:30pm, on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.
Request for proposal documents can be downloaded from the City of Jackson website: and may be picked up at the City of Jackson Department of Human and Cultural Services located at 633 North State Street Suite 423, Jackson MS 39202.